Category Archives: New technology

These are blogs about new technologies, new gadgets, new things to make our lives better, or perhaps more complicated.

I wasn’t asking the right questions
about Mini DisplayPort connections

I finally reached the point where my Mac Pro cylinder computer would no longer work for me. I bought it new 10 years ago, then modified it about five years later to expand its internal working memory. When I bought … Continue reading

Posted in Digital video, New technology, Photography | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Dancing in the laser light fantastic

This is part 2 of my article about building a fixed positioning laser on the CNC machine. To read the first part, click here. I had decided to make the final fixed laser with a bracket made of aluminum. In … Continue reading

Posted in Gadgets, New technology, Technology | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Working with the Landa Nanopress

Part I Last September I moved to Germany to teach for a year at Hochschule München in the Print and Media Technology program. This is my second time teaching here. The program is very similar to the program at Cal … Continue reading

Posted in Color Management, Graphic Arts people, New technology, Printing and Printing Processes | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Illustrator graphs show me how my solar system is working

Greetings Blognosticator readers! I (sort of) apologize for my long absence from this blog. I retired from my teaching position at Cal Poly in mid-June, and have been relaxing since then by not contributing essays to this forum. Instead, I … Continue reading

Posted in New technology, Software | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Saved by the wire (and the fiber-optic cable)

You would never think that a wire could slow Internet speed. Well, perhaps you would think of that, but I hadn’t thunk about it much. I was once warned by my friend Eric that the wrong kind of wire could … Continue reading

Posted in Gadgets, New technology, Technology | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

From variable-frequency drives
to hand-bound books

It’s been about a month since I wrote my last blog. It was about variable-frequency-drive high voltage motor controllers and a 1935 book sewing machine. The relevance of that is cloudy, but suffice it to say that I have been … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Bookbinding, New technology, Printing and Printing Processes, Typography | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Electronic motor control
and my obsession with a 1935 bookbinding machine

This is the second part of my obsession story. To read the first part, please click here. And that’s where my odyssey began. Alternating current induction motors use the frequency of the line power (60 Hz in our case) to … Continue reading

Posted in Bookbinding, Education, Imposition and Pagination, New technology, Printing and Printing Processes, Technology | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Obsessing on a 1935 bookbinding machine

I get obsessed about my projects. My current obsession is the restoration of a 1935 Smyth book sewing machine in the Shakespeare Press Museum at Cal Poly (I was the faculty advisor before I retired). That machine sews the spines … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures, Bookbinding, Education, History, Imposition and Pagination, New technology, Printing and Printing Processes | Tagged , , , | 9 Comments

An EOS R follow-up:
two months later

I bought the Canon EOS R camera in May after considerable research and a one-week rental test of the device. I am the Staff Photographer of Festival Mozaic, a classical music festival in San Luis Obispo. Each year I shoot … Continue reading

Posted in Art, New technology, Panoramic Photography, Photography, Technology | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

More on the Laowa wide angle macro probe lens

In my blog last week I described how the Laowa lens had arrived, and how I illustrated it so that the world would have access to its dimensions. I have been using it for several days now (though we were … Continue reading

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