Category Archives: Education

These are blogs about education and training.

Outright rejection!

In the first installment of this story, I introduced my new shop building, and introduced you to the County Planning Department. They looked at my initial set of plans and threw them back at me. Too big, they said. I … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures, Building things, Education, Woodworking | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments


I started writing The Blognosticator in July, 2011. At the time I was unable to acquire the domain That belonged to a nice woman who had bought it and was holding it, hoping that someone foolish enough to create … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Education, Web | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Electronic motor control
and my obsession with a 1935 bookbinding machine

This is the second part of my obsession story. To read the first part, please click here. And that’s where my odyssey began. Alternating current induction motors use the frequency of the line power (60 Hz in our case) to … Continue reading

Posted in Bookbinding, Education, Imposition and Pagination, New technology, Printing and Printing Processes, Technology | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Obsessing on a 1935 bookbinding machine

I get obsessed about my projects. My current obsession is the restoration of a 1935 Smyth book sewing machine in the Shakespeare Press Museum at Cal Poly (I was the faculty advisor before I retired). That machine sews the spines … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures, Bookbinding, Education, History, Imposition and Pagination, New technology, Printing and Printing Processes | Tagged , , , | 9 Comments

Photographing the portrait-in-stone

In April, my students and I visited the Landesamt für Digitalisierung Breitband und Vermessung in Munich (Read that story here). In English, this is the state office of digitization, broadband and surveying. Among the things they do is to manage … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Education, History, Photography, Printing and Printing Processes | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Rathaus GigaPan

I have a GigaPan device. It’s a computerized camera mount that moves a camera to take a photo, then moves the camera, and takes a photo, and continues doing that until a series of images are taken that complete a … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures, Education, Panoramic Photography, People, Photography | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Learning letterpress in a 14th century town

One of the three classes I am teaching in Munich is Advanced Typography. The students are in their third year in the Print Media program at Munich University of Applied Sciences. Five of my students are exchange students from my … Continue reading

Posted in Education, History, Typography | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Meet Lorem Ipsum

I’m not making this up. Three years ago I was looking at my roll sheet for my Introduction to Graphic Communication course at Cal Poly. About a third of the way down the list I stopped at the name Lauren … Continue reading

Posted in Education, History, Language and grammar, Typography | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

My mission to Mars, continued

In a blog I posted last year, I described how I developed a series of AppleScripts to control Adobe Photoshop to crop, then increase the canvas size, then draw crop marks on a series of image parts to make a … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures, Art, Color Management, Education, Imposition and Pagination, New technology, Panoramic Photography, Photography, Photoshop techniques, Software | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Our night on Mount Wilson
with a really big telephoto lens

On September 26, my wife and I joined a group from the local astronomical society on a field trip to Mount Wilson, just east of Pasadena, California, where we spent the entire night observing objects in the sky. My wife … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures, Education, People, Photography, Technology | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment