Category Archives: Web

These blogs discuss the World Wide Web, web graphics, web tehcnologies, and things related to the web.


I started writing The Blognosticator in July, 2011. At the time I was unable to acquire the domain That belonged to a nice woman who had bought it and was holding it, hoping that someone foolish enough to create … Continue reading

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Excellent typography in web pages

In a previous post I wrote about the differences between typewriter quotes and real quotation marks, and how to do it right. I have received some nice feedback on that post. One person suggested that while it’s great to use … Continue reading

Posted in Typography, Web | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

My new Canon EOS R mirrorless camera
and a new world of high ISO shooting

I was excited when Canon and Nikon both announced their mirrorless pro (or semi-pro) cameras last fall. The time had come. Sony has been in the market for three generations now, and Canon had made a few attempts (EOS M, … Continue reading

Posted in Color Management, Photography, Photoshop techniques, Software, Web | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Out with Barracuda and in with SpamExperts

I have my own e-mail server, hosted by an ISP in Michigan. I have been a customer of theirs for many years and they have treated me very professionally. A couple of years back I asked them for help with … Continue reading

Posted in Mistakes you can avoid, Software, Technology, Web | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Web-safe colors – time to move on!

This entry appeared originally on What They Think in July, 2010. It has been updated. Back in 1987 when computers first started to have color monitors, the audience grew into two distinct groups, those with money (who could display a … Continue reading

Posted in New technology, Web | 2 Comments