Greetings, Blognosticator readers,
I am launching a survey about popular type fonts.
Here are the rules:
You are stranded on a deserted island. You have with you a computer and the complete Adobe Creative Suite (not the Creative Cloud, as that requires Internet access). You have numerous island residents nearby who have decided that it’s time to publish a newspaper and some tourist information in case you are ever rescued from the island.
You have power (solar, of course), a printer of some kind, and supplies to print your publications.
You only had time to upload ten type fonts when you left on this journey. With care and deliberation you chose those ten, and they must last you for the duration of your stay on the island.
Please tell me which ten you would take with you, and I will eventually tally them and write a blog about the results. There are nearly a quarter million of you readers out there, so I know that this will be fruitful.
Thank you for participating. This will not result in any response from me until the survey is complete. I will not use your contact information for anything other than to tell you the results of the survey.
Please enter font families. Helvetica is a font family that includes numerous weights and widths. Garamond in a family with numerous weights. I’m most interested in the font families than the specific faces. An exception might be something like Times Italic, which (in my onion) is a really lovely font that is significantly nicer than Times Roman. I’ll sort out the details as the submissions come in. Thank you!